5 Car Door Trim Treatments To Stay Durable

23 July, 2022
4 minutes read

Image 5 Car Door Trim Treatments To Stay Durable

The door trim is one of the components of a car that has an important and ergonomic function for the vehicle. This section contains many buttons and features that need to be cared for properly so that the function can be optimal.

Door trim or door panels on vehicles are usually covered with leather, either genuine leather or synthetic leather. In this section, there are many buttons and various features that support comfort and safety when driving, so they must be maintained properly.

To ensure that all the buttons and features on the door panel function properly, you must take care of them. In addition, the well-maintained door trim also makes the interior appearance of the car more attractive and brand new.

Then how to care for the right car door trim? Here's the review.

Cara Merawat Door Trim Mobil Agar Awet

How to Take Care Of Car Door Trim to Last

As explained above, on the door trim there are many buttons and various features. Therefore, this section must be treated properly so that the function of these features can be maximized. However, because door trim uses different layers, the treatment method must also be adjusted.

Here are some tips and how to care for car door trim so that it is always clean and all the features in it can function optimally:

1.1. Gunakan Vacum Cleaner 1000x569

1. Use a Vacuum Cleaner

The best way to clean door trim is to regularly clean it using a vacuum cleaner. This method is suitable for all door trim coating materials because the vacuum cleaner will not damage the coating material.

A vacuum cleaner can clean dust and dirt in the nooks and crannies of the door trim that are difficult to reach by hand. This method can make the process of cleaning the door trim easier and more effective because all dirt can be sucked up to the maximum.

1.2. Gunakan Alat Pembersih Lembut 1000x569

2. Use a Gentle Cleaning Tool

After cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, the next step to take care of this door trim is that you can clean the remaining dirt that is still attached using a soft nylon brush and a soft dry cloth. The goal is not to damage the car door panels, especially when using genuine leather.

Gunakan Cairan Pembersih Khusus

3. Use Special Cleaning Liquid

For door trim that uses a vinyl coating, you must use a special cleaning fluid if you want to clean it. Avoid using cleaning fluids that use chemicals and solvents because they can make the color of the vinyl layer fade.

1.4. Bersihkan Tombol tombolnya 1000x569

4. Clean the Buttons

In addition to cleaning the door trim, don't forget to clean all the buttons on that section. Dirty and dusty buttons can interfere with feature functions. You can use a vacuum cleaner and a soft bristle brush to clean the dust and dirt that is in the crevices of the buttons on the door trim.

Bersihkan Secara Rutin

5. Clean Regularly

One way to make car door trims last longer and function properly is to clean them regularly. This is because when you open the car door, dirt and dust from the street very easily sticks to that part, making it dirty quickly. If left unchecked, this can damage the function of the buttons and features on the door trim.

Each type of car usually has a different door trim design. Like the door trim on the Almaz RS car which has a luxury and modern design and is equipped with various buttons to control various features in the cabin. To ensure that all the features on the Almaz RS door trim function properly, you must be diligent in caring for and maintaining the cleanliness of the part.

The door trim is one of the components of a car that is equipped with various buttons and important features but is often forgotten to take care of it. Therefore, if you want the function of the features in that section to always be optimal, make sure to always keep the door trim clean and treat it the right way.

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