Car Fuel Filter: What It’s For and How To Clean It
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Car Fuel Filter: What It’s For and How To Clean It

The fuel filter does have a significant role because it can help maintain car performance. This part is essential, but many drivers still don't know about the fuel filter. If you are negligent in maintaining your car's fuel filter, it will be detrimental to your own self. In general, the fuel

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Car Lights Indicator 101
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Car Lights Indicator 101

Generally, you can easily recognize and understand any changes in the situation or state when it comes to a car. If something unusual arises, especially those related to the condition of the vehicle, it will be seen through the notification on the indicator light. Each manufacturer has provided

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Causes of a Rough Car Engine Sound and How to Overcome It
Auto Tips

Causes of a Rough Car Engine Sound and How to Overcome It

The sound of a rough car engine is certainly very annoying when used. From the sound, there is concern that the car's engine is having problems. If left alone, there could be a problem with the car's engine. If this sound is left unchecked, it can cause other components in the car engine to be

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Road Studs: Definition, Function and Size
Auto Tips

Road Studs: Definition, Function and Size

Driving on the highway, sometimes you accidentally run over a bump on the road markings. These lumps are usually made of glass or iron, which can reflect light. Called road spikes or road studs, these lumps are usually placed on road markings, both in the middle and on the side of the road.

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How to Care for a White Car to Keep It Shiny
Auto Tips

How to Care for a White Car to Keep It Shiny

White cars have many fans. The white color on cars remains trendy from year to year. However, not many vehicle owners know how to care for this white car. Not a few people care for it carelessly, causing the color of their white car to become dull. With a car, it is natural to always take care

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Signs of Damage and Checking Car Wheel Bearings
Auto Tips

Signs of Damage and Checking Car Wheel Bearings

You can usually identify damage to a car's wheel bearings by the roaring sounds you hear when the car is running. Apart from that, there are also other symptoms that could be signs of car wheel bearing damage. Wheel bearings, also known as wheel bearings, play a very important role in car

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How to Wash and Care for a Black Car to Keep It Elegant
Auto Tips

How to Wash and Care for a Black Car to Keep It Elegant

Caring for the car body and paint should not be careless; special attention is needed so that the color of the car paint remains good and lasts like new. Like how to wash and care for a black car, it turns out there are several ways to ensure that it doesn't get dull easily, causing the paint to be

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Causes of Cars Breaking Down, Don't Panic and Do This
Auto Tips

Causes of Cars Breaking Down, Don't Panic and Do This

Cars breaking down on the road have actually become a fairly common occurrence. Sometimes many car owners experience problems while traveling and find their car has problems that cause it to break down. If you experience something like this, you don't need to panic. Keep your mind clear; if you

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