How to Maintain Hydraulic Trunk and What Is the Signs of Damage?
A hydraulic trunk is one of the most important features in modern cars. This feature allows you to open and close the trunk door easily and without difficulty. However, like other components in cars, hydraulic trunks also require proper maintenance and care to function well.
In this article, we will discuss in depth what a hydraulic trunk is, how to maintain it, signs of damage that you should pay attention to, and how to repair it if it is damaged. By understanding this article, you will be able to keep your hydraulic trunk in good condition and avoid more serious damage in the future.
What is a Hydraulic Trunk in a Car?
The hydraulic trunk in a car is a hydraulic system that is located on the trunk door. This system allows you to easily open and close the trunk door without much effort.
Regarding how it works, the hydraulic trunk in a car works by using hydraulic fluid that flows through small hoses and turns the hydraulic pump. This system consists of a cylinder, piston, and hydraulic fluid that are responsible for strengthening the lifting power of your trunk. If the hydraulic system is damaged, your car's trunk will not function properly.
This hydraulic system is designed to reduce the burden that the driver has to bear when opening and closing the car's trunk door. Therefore, a hydraulic trunk in a car is very helpful for people who have limited mobility or do not have enough strength to open or close the trunk door with their own hands.

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One of the car brands that offers this convenience is Wuling Alvez. There is a standard feature of an unlocked tailgate that adds convenience to the car owner when opening the trunk from inside the cabin.
How to Maintain Your Car's Hydraulic Trunk Door
Despite the many benefits of a hydraulic trunk door, there are some things you need to pay attention to in order to keep the system working properly and prevent damage. Here are some ways to maintain your car's hydraulic trunk door in good condition:
Clean the hydraulic parts regularly
Clean the hydraulic parts, such as the hydraulic pump, hoses, and piston, regularly to avoid the buildup of dirt and dust that can disrupt the hydraulic system's performance. Clean the hydraulic part of the car trunk door with a soft cloth or sponge that has been moistened with soapy water. Do not use high-pressure water or harsh chemicals.
Ensure the hydraulic system is in good condition
Check the hydraulic system regularly and make sure there are no leaks or damage to the hoses, hydraulic pump, or piston.
Use the right lubricant

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Make sure to use the appropriate lubricant for your car's trunk hydraulic system. Avoid using unsuitable lubricants, as they can damage the hydraulic system of your car's trunk.
Don't force your car's trunk door
Never force your car's trunk door to open or close. If the trunk door is difficult to open or close, immediately check the hydraulic system and repair it if necessary. Additionally, ensure that you open and close the trunk door slowly and smoothly.
Signs of Damage to the Hydraulic Trunk of a Car
When the trunk door of a car feels heavy and difficult to open or close, it can be a sign that the hydraulic system on the trunk door is not functioning properly. In addition, the noisy sound coming from the hydraulic trunk can also be a sign of damage.
If there is a leak in the hydraulic system, there will be oil or dirt stains inside. Do not underestimate if there is damage to the hydraulic trunk of the car because this can trigger bigger damage to your car.
Here are the signs of damage to the hydraulic trunk of a car that you need to be aware of:
- A noisy sound when opening or closing the trunk indicates a possible problem with the car's hydraulic trunk system.
- The trunk cannot be fully opened or closed, which may indicate a problem with the car's hydraulic trunk system or trunk lock.
- The trunk opens or closes by itself, indicating a possible problem with the car's hydraulic trunk system.
- The trunk feels heavy when being opened or closed, indicating a possible problem with the car's hydraulic trunk system or trunk lock.
- Hydraulic oil leakage in the trunk indicates a possible problem with the car's hydraulic trunk system.
If you notice any signs of damage to your car's trunk hydraulic system, promptly repair it to avoid further damage to your vehicle.
How to Fix a Hydraulic Trunk If It's Damaged
After identifying the signs of damage to the hydraulic trunk of your car, it's time to learn how to fix it. Here's how to fix a damaged hydraulic trunk:
- Make sure you understand how the hydraulic system of the car trunk works and which part needs to be fixed.
- If there is a leak in the hydraulic system, you need to replace the seal or the leaking hydraulic pump.
- If there is a problem with the hydraulic valve, you need to replace it.
- If there is a problem with the hydraulic pressure system, you need to replace the hose or the damaged hydraulic pump.
- Replace the hydraulic oil. Dirty or empty hydraulic oil can cause damage to the car's hydraulic system.
- Checking and cleaning the hydraulic components of car doors. Check and clean the hydraulic components of car doors, such as the hydraulic pump, hydraulic hose, and hydraulic cylinder. Ensure that all repaired parts are installed correctly and are safe to use.
- Replacing damaged hydraulic components in car doors. If there are damaged or worn hydraulic components on car doors, immediately replace them with new ones.
- Checking and cleaning the trunk door lock. Regularly check and clean the trunk door lock to prevent damage to the trunk door lock system.
Do not hesitate to bring your car to an official workshop or mechanic who is proficient in repairing hydraulic systems on car doors, if you do not have sufficient knowledge to do the repair yourself. This is to ensure that the repair is done correctly and is safe to use.