How To Start a Business With a Car From Scratch During PPKM
There are many ways that you can start your own business, especially during a pandemic like nowadays. People are required to be more creative in increasing their monthly income.
Starting a business is not as simple as preparing capital and knowing what business to run. Besides knowing how to sell products, other things must also be prepared before you start running your business from scratch. Different kinds of obstacles when starting a new business are something you want to prepare yourself for.
Wuling Family, here is a successful way to start a business from scratch that you can learn to increase your monthly income.
1. Prepare Yourself Mentally
The first step you have to do is to prepare yourself mentally. The business that you are going to run must really start with a strong determination, don't start your business half-heartedly or you will easily be stopped by tiny obstacles. Instead of getting good results, you will end up stopping halfway.
2. Decide On What Business You Will Run
If you already have a solid determination, the next way to start a business from scratch is to start thinking about what you want to do. You can start researching what businesses are currently on trends. This is very important so that you have sufficient information when starting your business later.

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At this stage, it never hurts to start thinking out of the box to get ideas, such as a food truck as a solution to reach consumers more closely. Or it could be an online transportation business as a solution for urban communities. There are quite a number of creative ideas that you can explore every day.
3. Make a Plans
The next step is to make a clear plan with flexibility and innovation in it. You must also include the vision and mission of what will be brought when running your business. One part of planning in starting a business is to decide on the mode of transportation.
You can consider the Wuling Formo S as a commercial vehicle for business. This latest variant from Wuling is an MPV car that is very appropriate for starting a business because it has a spacious cabin with adequate storage to transport all your business equipment later.
In addition, this car can also be used as a comfortable family vehicle with 8 passenger seats because it is supported by a 4 Cyl in-Line DOHC engine which makes the engine cooler so that driving is smoother without noise and is supported by I-VVT technology for fuel-efficiency.
4. Keep Your Focus!
At the beginning of starting a business, you don't need to rush to multiply your profits and catch up with your return on investment. You have to really focus on making the business stable first. This is a very important stage in starting a business.

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One of the things you can do is start to make yourself more organized every day. If you can't organize yourself, then how can you organize your business to be better?
The way to do this is to start writing down all the important things related to your business. Starting from business-related advice to the challenges faced when starting a business. So the next time you run into trouble, you can take a look at your notes to find a solution to what to do.
5. Always Be Ready For The Worst
The road is not always smooth, neither is business. You must really have the mentality of an entrepreneur because sometimes you have to be ready to deal with the worst conditions.
You must be open to criticism and advice because this is the easiest way to deal with unexpected conditions when running a business. Always evaluate what your shortcomings are and adapt accordingly.
Then the most important thing is to continue to learn from your mistakes and don't be satisfied with the current situation. Regular evaluation will help you find new momentum every day to make your business even better over time.
6. Do It with Passion
The next step to start and run a business is to do it with passion. That way, you will be more relaxed and enjoy every moment of it, even during the times when your business does not run according to your expectation. The passion you have will help you to have a clear focus on your business and therefore you can maintain your commitment and persistence during whatever circumstances you are facing.
7. Prepare Capital and Aim for Opportunities
Faktor lain yang tidak kalah penting dalam memulai sebuah usaha adalah modal. Anda harus benar-benar memastikan modal yang Anda gunakan berasal dari mana, apakah dari dana pribadi ataukah dana bersama. Apabila berasal dari dana bersama, Anda harus pastikan semua sudah diatur dengan jelas yaitu hitam diatas putih supaya nantinya tidak ada yang merasa dirugikan saat pembagian hasil usaha.
Perencanaan matang yang sudah Anda lakukan sebelumnya akan sangat membantu dalam membidik peluang dan menganalisa pasar dengan baik. Cara ini akan sangat membantu Anda dalam mengembangkan usaha ke depannya nanti.
Another factor that is no less important in starting a business is capital. You have to really make sure where the capital you use comes from, whether from personal funds or joint funds. If it comes from a joint fund, you have to make sure everything is clearly regulated and documented on papers so that later no one will feel disadvantaged during profit sharing.
The more careful the planning that you do beforehand, the more helpful it will be for you to target opportunities and analyze the market. This method will really help you in developing your business in the future.
Now, with the presence of Formo S, Wuling is committed to supporting all business activities, whether they are MSME scale or large businesses. This economical vehicle can also be called cost-efficient because of its affordable operational and maintenance costs. So, Formo S is very appropriate for those who start a business with minimal capital.