When you buy a vehicle, you will get a proof of ownership of a motorized vehicle or BPKB (“Bukti Kepemilikan Kendaraan Bermotor”). By law, this document is an essential element that a car or motorcycle owner needs to have.
Commonly, the car dealer or leasing party will directly take care of each vehicle purchased. Car buyers only need to take the finished BPKB without the need to carry out a complicated process afterwards.
When BPKB is picked up, of course it must be directly by the vehicle owner because BPKB is a personal document whose ownership rights are very limited. Therefore, it is not permissible for anyone to retrieve BPKB arbitrarily.
In order to be picked up by another party, there must be a power of attorney letter. The car owner can authorize another person who is trusted to take the BPKB. There are several stages that must be passed when you want to make a power of attorney for taking BPKB.
There are still many people who do not understand how to make a correct power of attorney letter. But before going into examples and how to make one, you should first understand the function of BPKB.
BPKB Functions
1. Vehicle ID
Based on the rules that apply in Indonesia, all types of motorized vehicles must be registered and have a BPKB as an identification. With the BPKB, the process of detecting vehicle ownership becomes very easy.
2. Important Vehicle Documents
The function of the BPKB is often equated with the Certificate of Ownership, so that the BPKB is an important document that must be stored safely. If the vehicle does not have a BPKB, it will be considered as a fraudulent vehicle or violating the law.
3. Improve Public Service
Basically, BPKB can help to enhance the effectiveness of the administrative procedures for motorized vehicle registration. Not only improving public services, but BPKB also helps improve the monitoring system for non-tax state financial income and motor vehicle ownership.
4. As a Guarantee

Baca Juga
For those of you who want to borrow money for business capital from a bank or other party, then BPKB can be used as collateral. The amount of the loan obtained is usually adjusted to the value of the BPKB and the vehicle.
Sample Power of Attorney Letter to Retrieve BPKB
Power of Attorney to retrieve car BPKB
I, the undersigned below:
Name : John Petrus Silitonga
NIK : 32111098776575
Address : Majalengka
Hereinafter referred to as the Authorizer
Give full power to:
Name : Doni Hariono
NIK : 32111777888999
Address : Majalengka
To retrieve a car BPKB on behalf of John Petrus Silitonga for the vehicle with the following details:

Baca Juga
Vehicle Type : Honda Brio
Vehicle Number : B0102L
Vehicle Color: Red
No. Engine : Z222345
No. Frame : R123654
Thus, I have made this power of attorney truthfully so that it can be used properly.
15 December 2021
Authorizer Authorized Recipient
(………………………………………) (………………………………………)
How to make a BPKB Power of Attorney 2021
When making a power of attorney, there is some information that must be entered clearly. The data must be correct because the original data will be easily detected. The following describes various important information that must be included in the power of attorney for retrieving car BPKB.
1. Data from the Authorizer
If you look at the sample power of attorney above, it can be seen that the party giving the power of attorney is listed. The power of attorney is the party who has absolute rights over the ownership of the car BPKB document and by making a power of attorney, the BPKB document retrieval is handed over to another party.
There is some information that needs to be included by the party giving the power of attorney, such as the full name, registration number or NIK and the address of the person concerned. The power of attorney will fully entrust it to retrieve the recently published BPKB for the car.
2. Data from Authorized Persons
Information that is also very important in the power of attorney is about the party receiving the power of attorney. Later, the power of attorney will have the authority to retrieve BPKB documents on behalf of the power of attorney.
Information that must be clearly stated such as full name, NIK and residential address. If the data is filled with wrong or fabricated, it could be related to an unlawful act.
3. Information About Vehicles
It is not only the data of the giver and the beneficiary that must be present, but it is also necessary to include the data of the vehicle. Make sure the vehicle data entered are all correct, so that the process of making the power of attorney runs smoothly.
Vehicle information that needs to be included such as the vehicle type, vehicle number, vehicle color, engine number and frame number. If the data is incomplete and the data is incorrect, the process of making a power of attorney will fail.
If the required data is complete. Furthermore, the giver of the power of attorney and the recipient of the power of attorney are required to make a signature on stamp duty. The purpose of the signature on the stamp duty is as a sign of the authenticity of the power of attorney.
That is all regarding the power of attorney letter for BPKB retrieval 2021. Hopefully all the discussions can be useful for the readers.