For you Wuling Family who own cars, proof of ownership book (Bukti Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor or ‘BPKB’) is an important document that acts as proof of the authenticity and completeness of the car you own.
Car owners will receive a BPKB in their name upon the car buying and selling process is complete. However, for the purchase of a used car, there is an additional process of changing the name from the former to the latter owner, which is commonly known as the transfer of ownership.
Definition of BPKB
According to its definition, the BPKB is a book officially issued by the Satlantas (Traffic Unit) from the National Police which acts as proof of vehicle ownership. As an official institution, Satlantas is an agency with the right to issue, carry out technical specifications and procure BPKB along with the Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan or ‘STNK’) and the Motor Vehicle Number Certificate (Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor or ‘TNKB’).
How To Register (Online/Offline)
If you buy a new car from a dealer, you can hand over all mail processing through the dealer so you can rest easy and wait. However, it’s very easy to take care of registering a new BPKB and can be done yourself.
You can do this in two ways, by visiting your nearest Samsat, or if you live in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi), you can use the online BPKB service.
How To Register BPKB Offline
BPKB Application Requirements
- Check the physical condition of the vehicle
- Fill out the BPKB application form along with the results of the physical check
- Bring along the owner's original identification card (KTP)
BPKB Application steps
- Pay the new BPKB Application fee of Rp 225,000 for R2/R3 and Rp 375,000 for R4/more
- After having the proof of payment, bring all the requirements that have been prepared to the BPKB counter
- You will recieve proof of file submission
- The process of making a new BPKB takes about 1 week
- After the process is complete, you can retrieve it with proof of file submission
How To Register BPKB Online

Baca Juga
- Come to the Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) Polda Metro Jaya as the first step in examining files
- You will get a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) card
- Access the service via BPKB website to take care of the registration
- Enter the frame number
- Enter your name, NIK, telephone number, email, and type of change of BPKB
- Follow the steps provided until the data is recorded
- Print the e-form and make payments at hte nearest bank
How To Apply A Replacement in Case of Loss
If you lose your BPKB, it is mandatory to apply for a new BPKB. Before you take care of losing your new BPKB, you must first prepare these necessary documents:
- Personal Identity (KTP or driving license/SIM)
- If you cannot go through the process yourself, you can be represented by enclosing a satmped power of attorney
- If you are representing a legal entity, you must bring a deed of the establisment (original and photocopy) of dimicile and stamped power of attorney signed by the head of the legal entity along with an official stamp
- A letter of the statement of loss of BPKB and signature of the original owner
- Evidence of missing BPKB advertisements in the mass media
- A letter of statement that the BPKB certificate is not being pledged as collateral at the bank
- Police investigation report from Criminal Investigation Agency (Badan Reserse Kriminal or Bareskim)
- Vehicle Registration Certificate (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan or 'STNK'), both original and photocopy
- Photocopy of the lost BPKB or the BPKB number
- THe owner is required to be present or the photo and scan of the KTP
After the requirements are complete, you can go to the nearest Samsat and follow the same steps of applying for a new BPKB in the previous section.
BPKB Application Costs
In applying for BPKB, there are some fees you have to pay, according to Government Regulation No 60 of 2016 concerning PNBP (Non-Tax State Revenue). These costs are:
- For 2-wheeled or 3-wheeled vehicles, the cost is Rp 225,000
- For 4-wheeled vehicles, the cost is Rp375,000
- The fee for a new application per issue is Rp 100,000
- The fee for ownership per issue is Rp 100,000
Tips To Distinguish Original BPKB From The Counterfeit
The most important thing when buying a car is to research the BPKB to be owned later. Remember that this is an official document that acts as proof of ownership of the vehicle. Given the high rate of document fraud nowadays, if you get a fake BPKB, it will hurt you as the new owner.

Baca Juga
The following is how to distinguish original and counterfeit BPKB:
Characteristics of the original BPKB
- The cover material used is darker
- The hologram is gray and does not change when detected under a light
- Identity looks clear and clean
- On page 14, when exposed to UV light, you will see the symbol of the police traffic corps (Korlantas Polri). The page will feel rough following the Korlantas Polri logo
- THere is a serial number under the hologram
Characteristics of counterfeit BPKB
- The cover material used is blurry or looks unclear
- The hologram will turn yellow when detected under a light
- The identity appears to be reprinted or unclean
- On page 14 there is no symbol of the Korlantas Polri when it is illuminated by UV light and the page does not feel rough
- The serial number is different from the original
Knowing the original and fake BPKB is very important for car owners, to prevent losses that occur to car owners in the future.
Tips for Mortgaging Car BPKB
As an official car ownership document, you can also pawn it for emergencies. Especially during the current corona pandemic, which inevitably makes many parties experience a financial crisis.
Pegadaian is an official pawnshop from the government that you can trust in a new normal like this. Apart from offering benefits and conveniences, your documents are guaranteed to be safe.
Citing from the official page of, there are many pawn products that you can use for various needs of the Wuling Family. The following are options that you can customize according to your goals.
- Secure Fast Credit (Kredit Cepat Aman or ‘KCA’)
Secure Fast Credit (KCA) products are conventional products that have additional interest. You can get a loan of up to 500 million rupiahs.
- RAHN Sharia Pawn
RAHN Sharia Pawn is a sharia product that is under Islamic law. You can get a loan of up to 200 million rupiahs with a tenor of up to 10 years.
- Borrow Creations
This product is for those of you who require business capital or want to develop a business. You can get a loan of up to 400 million rupiahs with a tenor of up to 3 years.
- Arrum's Pawn
Arrum pawn is a sharia product for the Wuling family who needs business capital or wants to develop a business. You can get a loan of up to 400 million rupiahs with a tenor of up to 3 years.
How to Pawn a Car BPKB at Pegadaian?
Prepare the required documents, such as:
- Identity Card (KTP)
- Family Card (KK)
- Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK)
- BPKB of vehicles to be pawned
- Come to the pawnshop with all the necessary conditions
- Fill out the 'Application Form'
- Wait for the process and approval from Pegadaian
- After your pledge is approved, you will need to sign several documents
- Process complete
Wuling family, BPKB is very important as proof of legal ownership of your car. Therefore, you must ensure that the BPKB you have received is genuine. If you buy a Wuling car from an authorized dealer, we ensure that all documents and letters that come out are authentic, including the BPKB and STNK, so no need to worry about this!