158 Units of Wuling Electric Vehicles Participate in HLF-MSP and The 2nd IAF 2024 in Bali

31 August, 2024
3 minutes read

Image 158 Units of Wuling Electric Vehicles Participate in HLF-MSP and The 2nd IAF 2024 in Bali

Cloud EV dan BinguoEV jadi official car partner di High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships & Indonesia-Africa Forum

Jimbaran, August 30, 2024 – Wuling is once again trusted as an official car partner in an international event and this time it is the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnership and Indonesia Africa Forum 2024 (HLF-MSP & 2nd IAF 2024) which took place from September 1 to 3, 2024 on the island of Bali. At this international event, Wuling again carried the spirit of “Shaping Clean Tomorrow” to contribute in creating a greener and more sustainable environment in the future. There were 158 units of electric vehicles (EV) from Wuling, consisting of 100 units of BinguoEV and 58 units of CloudEV carrying out tasks in this activity.

Kedua model Wuling EV ini sudah diproduksi di pabrik Wuling di Cikarang dengan Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri TKDN lebih dari 40 1000x667

Precisely on Friday (30/08), a handover ceremony of Wuling EV units to the State Secretariat was held to signify the start of Wuling's participation as an official car partner at HLF-MSP and 2nd IAF 2024. In this international forum, 158 units of Wuling electric vehicles were symbolically handed over as a form of Wuling's commitment to supporting environmentally friendly mobility.

“We from Wuling Motors would like to thank the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia for choosing Wuling EV electric vehicles as a mobility vehicle for delegates and state guests in international level activities. Wuling's participation in this international activity has started since the G20 in 2022 and until now Wuling continues to be trusted as an official car partner in high-level conferences,” said Wang Weisen, Vice President of Wuling Motors in his speech.

Upacara serah terima unit Wuling EV kepada Sekretariat Negara sebagai tanda dimulainya partisipasi Wuling sebagai official car partner di HLF MSP dan 2nd IAF 2024 berlangsung 1 1 1000x667

During the event, 42 Cloud EV units will serve as protocol and rescue vehicles in the VVIP convoy, while 16 units will be used for the national committee's operations throughout the event. The Wuling Cloud EV is a medium hatchback EV that emphasizes comfort and modern innovation. Meanwhile, 100 BinguoEV units will be deployed as mobility partners for the delegates. The BinguoEV is an iconic hatchback EV equipped with modern features. Both Wuling EV models are produced at Wuling's factory in Cikarang, with a Domestic Component Level (TKDN) of over 40%, demonstrating Wuling's commitment to supporting the domestic electric vehicle industry.

42 unit Cloud EV berperan sebagai protokol dan unit penyelamatan dalam rangkaian VVIP 1000x667

“There are at least 52 delegates from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Pacific Islands planned to attend this summit. We hope that Wuling can continue to work with the Indonesian government for other international activities in the future as a form of the Ministry of State Secretariat's commitment in supporting the transformation of transportation technology in Indonesia that is environmentally friendly,” said Eka Denny Mansjur as Head of the General Bureau of the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia during the vehicle handover ceremony today.

Regarding this support, various preparations have been made to provide the best mobility services for the delegation guests. Starting from the arrival of all Wuling EV units in Tanjung Benoa Port on August 25, 2024, and then delivered to Wuling Jimbaran Pool and ITDC parking center to undergo Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI).

Wuling also provides an electric car maintenance center facility located in the Jimbaran area. This 24-hour service center includes a parking area, charging station, car wash, integrated and real-time pool management, security personnel, and experienced mechanics. Apart from that, Wuling also provides charging points at the ITDC parking center which are intended for CloudEV units on duty in the VVIP protocol.

Wuling turut menyediakan fasilitas sentra perawatan mobil listrik yang terletak di kawasan Jimbaran yang beroperasi 24 jam 1000x667

To ensure the drivers are well-prepared, Wuling conducted special training sessions for 116 drivers from the State Secretariat at the Wuling Jimbaran Pool. This training aimed to provide in-depth knowledge about the BinguoEV and CloudEV. In addition, 42 members of the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) also participated in this special training at the ITDC central parking area.

Wuling menggelar pelatihan khusus kepada 116 pengemudi dari Sekretariat Negara di Wuling Jimbaran Pool 1000x667

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