Get To Know More about Car Fender and How to Replace It If It Is Damaged
Fender for a car is an integral thing. Especially if your vehicle often passes through muddy fields, this component will be very useful. It is located near the tires. Here are the detail explanations you need to know about Car Fender.
Definition of Car Fenders
A car tire fender is a plastic, metal, or rubber panel that bends over the wheel on the side of the car, extending from the front bumper to the car door. The main function of car fenders is to protect tires and braking systems from mud or other impurities so that they are safer and more efficient.
Fenders also help prevent mud, dirt, dust particles and other liquids from being thrown into the air when the tires are rolling. This component is installed as well as part of the car frame, and is available in various models and sizes. Curved shape, located right near the wheel.
Many drivers are still confused in distinguishing fenders and bumpers. In fact, there are also those who call the two components the same. In fact, the bumper itself is not on the side of the vehicle wheels.
Bumper only in front and rear of the car’s body that serves to anticipate small collisions. Meanwhile, fenders not only function as a safety net, but can also be used as accessories, so that the appearance of the vehicle is even more attractive. In addition, this component is also useful for anticipating mud splashes so as not to hit other road users.
Read More: Fender Mobil

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Car Fender Function
Fenders do not only cover the car tires. There are many functions that this component has, including:
1. Wheel Guard
Fenders are useful as wheel protectors from unexpected things that could happen on the road. This also applies to protecting pedestrians and other road users. The debris that comes from the street can potentially cause discomfort to others.
For example rocks, mud, or other liquids so they don't get thrown into the air. The debris will be stuck when the wheels are moving. As a result, driving becomes more comfortable and does not disturb other road users.
2. Protector of Scratch
The function of this one actually comes from the fender cover. This one part is the front cloth which is located on the right and left side of the fender. Its function is to protect the car when it is being serviced or routine check. The service that is carried out will not cause scratches, so that the car parts are maintained. Keys used for this service can cause scratches accidentally, requiring protection.
Car Fender Materials
Fenders are not only available in various forms, but the material used for fenders also varies.
1. Rubber

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This material is very flexible in holding debris. Both debris entering and leaving the side of the car can be contained. This rubber material is usually combined with a metal bracket.
Polyurethane is often referred to as PU which can be used as an optimal car protector. This material is made of rubber mixed with plastic. The hardness level is more optimal when compared to rubber. The advantage of this material is that it is more resistant to bumps. Also resistant to the risk of scratches while on the trip.
3. Steel
These steel fenders are very useful for protecting the car from unexpected debris. For example, from mud or rocks, so it doesn't easily enter the vehicle body. In addition, these debris also do not have the potential to hit other road users so driving remains comfortable.
The Car Fender Damaged? Check Below Tips
It is undeniable, the high mobility of using a car will make the fender easily damaged. Don't worry, there are some easy steps to replace it. Here are some ways.
- First of all, remove the retainers such as screws, clips and other components that connect the fenders to the bumper.
- Then lower the bumper little by little and remove the components near the fender (e.g. car lights).
- If you want to replace the front fender, then remove the bolt under the hood. After that just remove the fender.
- After that, do the reverse process if you want to install a new fender.
Replacing the fender is easy if done independently. However, if you are still relatively new, you can take the car to a repair shop. The mechanic will be ready to do the installation.
The Difference between Front and Rear Car Fenders
Car fenders can be divided into two types, namely the front and rear car fenders. These two types of components come with a variety of interesting differences to know, here's the review.
1. Front Car Fenders
The front fender of the car is a component that is flexible, it is easy to remove or install it again. There are screws in it that make it easier for users to fix it. Even though there are bolts in it, you can actually lock it permanently to avoid vibrations when the vehicle passes through potholes.
If the vehicle often passes through steep terrain, it is recommended that the front fender be permanently locked. The goal is also in anticipation of the risk of escape. its also actually exist for fenders with a permanent system. Usually the permanent front fender consists of several additional components. For example, trim lights, turn signal lights, to chrome.
2. Rear Car Fenders
The rear fender can actually be removed and installed. You can use it with screw mount components. However, most people are more interested in permanent rear fenders.
Permanent installation of the rear fender is generally done by welding. The locking of the rear fender is useful as a precaution so that it isn't removed easily. In addition, it can also prevent dirt and various debris from easily entering the car body.
The use of fenders on cars turns out to have such an important role. Therefore, make sure the installation is correct. Immediately replace the car fender if damage occurs to anticipate unwanted things.