Formo Max Owners Must Know the Regulations for Pick Up Cars on the Highway
A pick-up car is often used to transport goods or passengers. However, using pick-up cars on the highway must comply with applicable regulations. If you are the owner of a pick-up car, it is important to know the latest regulations that apply in Indonesia. This is very important to ensure the safety of you and other road users, as well as avoid violations of the law and possible sanctions.
This article will discuss highway pick-up car regulations, including load limits, load height, freight car rules, and prohibitions on pick-up cars. Read below to learn more!
The Latest Regulations for Pick Up Cars on the Highway
The latest regulations for pick-up cars on the highway in question are Circular Letter (SE) Number SE. 2/AJ. 307/DRJD/2018 concerning Provisions for Open and Closed Cargo Cargoes issued by the Ministry of Transportation on December 26, 2018. This circular regulates several matters related to open and closed cargo tanks on pick-up cars, including:
- The weight limit of goods allowed to be carried by pick-up cars is divided into two categories based on the Wheelbase (JBB), namely:
- Pick-up cars with a JBB of less than or equal to 3,500 kg can carry a maximum load of 1 CBM or 1.5 tons of goods.
- Pick-up cars with a JBB of more than 3,500 kg can carry a maximum load of 6 CBM or 2 tons of goods.
- The dimensional limits for open and closed cargo tanks on pickup trucks are also regulated in this circular, namely:
- In pick-up cars with open pickups, the trellis must not exceed 150 millimeters from the roof of the pick-up cabin.
- In the outer area of the open tailgate wall, the end of the rear area runway must not exceed 260 millimeters. Meanwhile, the maximum width is 50 millimeters, and it is not allowed to exceed the width of the pick-up car cabin.
- The height limit for cars with closed cargo tubs cannot exceed 4.2 meters. The width itself may not exceed 1.7 times the width of the pick-up vehicle.
This regulation is intended for all pick-up vehicle owners, including Formo Max, a Wuling car for pick-ups that can be used for business activities. Vehicle owners must consider these prohibitions to avoid detrimental violations and sanctions.
In addition, Formo Max drivers must always ensure that they are in prime condition before driving and comply with existing regulations for the safety and comfort of all road users. This aims to improve the safety and comfort of road users and reduce the potential for traffic accidents due to overloading or dimensions of pick-up cars.

Baca Juga
Penalties for Violation of Pick-Up Car Regulations
Sanctions for violating pick-up car regulations on the highway depends on the type and level of the violation. Based on the LLAJ Law Article 287 paragraphs (1) and (2), violations related to the number of passengers and luggage in a pick-up car can be subject to sanctions in the form of imprisonment for a maximum of 2 months or a fine of up to IDR 500,000.
In addition, based on Permenhub PM 13/2014 Article 6 paragraph (2), violations related to the maximum weight of four-wheeled or more motorized vehicles that can be operated on public roads can be subject to sanctions in the form of withdrawing a driver's license (SIM) and vehicle registration certificate (STNK) as well as re-testing the vehicle.
Meanwhile, there are no clear sanctions in the existing regulations for violations related to open and closed loading tanks on pickup trucks. However, you should still comply with these regulations for the safety and security of yourself and other road users.
Pick Up Car Prohibition
The ban on pick-up cars on this highway is based on Article 5 Paragraph 4 of Government Regulation Number 55 of 2012 concerning Vehicles which states that goods vehicles may only be used to transport goods and not people.

Baca Juga
In addition, there are several other restrictions on pick-up cars on the highway. Here's the list:
It is Forbidden to Carry Dangerous Cargo
Never transport dangerous cargo in a pickup truck. This is because pick-up cars do not have special safety features to transport dangerous goods, such as special vehicles equipped with closed containers or boxes.
Exceeding the Load Height Limit is Prohibited
Pick-up cars have a height limit that is permitted in accordance with applicable regulations. Therefore, avoid exceeding the height limit of the load so as not to disturb the comfort of other road users.
Do Not Drive While Drowsy
As with other vehicle users, pick-up car drivers must ensure their physical condition and health before driving. Avoid driving when drowsy or drunk because this can cause accidents that are very dangerous and can be detrimental to many parties.
Do Not Drive Without a Valid Driver's License
Apart from complying with applicable regulations, pick-up car drivers must also have the appropriate driving license. Never drive a pick-up car without having a valid driver's license, as this can lead to serious violations and sanctions from the authorities.
This prohibition is also emphasized in Circular Letter (SE) Number SE. 2/AJ. 307/DRJD/2018 concerning Provisions for Open and Closed Cargo Cargoes issued by the Ministry of Transportation on 26 December 2018.
However, there are some exceptions to this prohibition, namely:
- If in an emergency or natural disaster that requires immediate evacuation or help.
- If, in certain circumstances, determined by the considerations of the Republic of Indonesia state police and/or regional government by considering road users’ safety and comfort.
This regulation is not only for the safety of drivers and passengers, but also for the safety of others on the road. Therefore, pick-up car owners must comply with the rules when driving on the highway.