Did you have time to count how many times you yawned while driving on the way to the office this morning? Drowsiness is a natural effect when your brain lacks oxygen intake during the sleep at night, especially if you lack sleeping time at night.
If you have free time for about an hour to go to the gym before getting to the office in time, that would be great! So,you can move your body actively, thus triggers the oxygen to be spread all over the body, including the brain. When driving, our bodies are forced to be in a sitting position—more often than not, you have to remain seated for hours in getting through the traffic of the Capital City. So, how do you get rid of drowsiness when driving?
Piece of cake. If you still remember the morning exercise routines or in case you have been in a yoga class before, then some of those movements can be put into practice when driving in a sitting position. Here are some parts of the joints that you need to train to prevent them from being so tense because of driving too long:
When driving, your focus will definitely be more fixated forward, with the occasional glance to the rearview mirror above the head and both the right and left sides of the car. But, without warning, your neck will go really tense due to the lack of move. What you can do is place your left fingers on the left side of the chin, then push it to the right so that your head tilts to the left and the chin to the right. Do this for 10 seconds. Then do the same with your right hand to the left. Then push the chin upwards, until you can see the car's ceiling—do this for 10 seconds.

Baca Juga
Once you’re done with that, continue by looking to the right and left, 10 seconds as well for each. If you want it to be more exciting, turn on some R & B music on your Cortez head unit, and shake your head to the beat of the music. Guaranteed you will immediately feel refreshed again.
Also read: 5 Extreme Sport Test For Your Driving Skill
Similar to what you did with the neck, it is possible for you to feel tense on the arms from holding the steering wheel for too long. You can bend your left hand downward using the palm of your right hand for about 3-5 seconds, equally, bend the back of your right hand using the palm of your left hand. Then place your right-hand fingers on the palm of your left hand, then press firmly for 3 times, and vice versa.
Next, you can bend the elbows of both hands, then jerk them forward. Finally, make a fist with your right hand, then you can gently beat your left arm. Not too hard, what’s important is that you can feel as if you’re being massaged. Do the same thing to your right arm.

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Lift your right arm, then bend your elbow towards your back and pull your right elbow using your left hand, then count for 5-10 seconds. And vice versa bend your left arm in the same way.
Sitting too long gives your back aches. The solution is to stretch the muscles. Wrapyour fingers in front of the chest, then flipboth palms upward and push them towards the ceiling of the car. When you do this, your muscles and spine will be pulled, hence relaxing them. It would be great if you were not sitting constantly in the office so that your back muscles continue to stay active.
Another thing you can do is to sit up straight, then place both hands on the seat beside your buttocks and push them downward, then push your chest forward until you can feel your spine being pulled forward and upward. Sit back and relax, and repeat this exercise for 3—5 times.
Also read: Refrain From These 6 Bad Driving Habits
Usually,you will feel the tense in the waist area right after you’re back home from work, due to the buildup of pressure when sitting and is rarely moved. So, when you’re in the car, try holding the right side of the steering wheel using your left hand while placing your right hand on the seat, then ‘snap’ your waist to the right, and do the same thing to your left side for a balanced feel.
Lastly, along with the rhythm of the music, sit up straight and sway your body to the left and right. If you move the body right, then you will be able to feel both sides of your waist activated.
Make sure the traffic light is red when you do this routine to relax the muscles and joints and always be aware of the road condition in the front, left, right, and behind you. Good luck doing yoga in the car & always stay healthy! Drive for a Better Life!