How To Transfer Car Ownership: Terms & Fees

7 July, 2021
3 minutes read

Image How To Transfer Car Ownership: Terms & Fees

When you want to buy a used car, of course there are many things you need to consider. The vehicle ownership book (Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor or ‘BPKB’) is one of the most important documents to pay attention to, because later you will have to transfer the ownership of the car.

Ownership transfer is the process of legally replacing vehicle ownership data. Not only you need to change the ownership name in BPKB, but you also need to replace the vehicle number (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan or ‘STNK’).

The new BPKB where you have transferred the car ownership will become a valid document proving your ownership. To process the transfer, there are several requirements that must be met.

Requirements to Manage Car Ownership Transfer

Persyaratan Untuk Mengurus Balik Nama Mobil

The car ownership transfer process can be done directly at the nearest Samsat office. But before coming to the Samsat office, you should prepare some of the requirements to expedite the process of changing names.

  • Prepare original STNK along with photocopies
  • Prepare the new car owner's identity card along with a copy
  • Prepare a copy of the BPKB of the car you are about to have an ownership transfer
  • Prepare a copy of the validation letter from the physical check of the car
  • Prepare a copy of a receipt signed by the seller and the buyer of the car on a stamp of Rp6,000.

Just in case you don't have to go back and forth to the photocopying place, you can prepare 2 or more copies. That way you will be fully prepared for the ownership transfer documents.

How to Manage the Car Ownership Transfer

Cara Pengurusan Balik Nama Mobil

  • Please come to the nearest Samsat office that matches your ID card area. Ensure you don't use the services of brokers, which are certainly detrimental as they will cost you more than what’s needed.
  • Perform a car’s physical check at Samsat
  • Perform the registration process and immediately follow the payment process
  • Wait for the new BPKB or STNK to be completed.

In general, to transfer the ownership of a used vehicle or car is easy and quick. With an easy process, of course you don't need to hesitate anymore to buy a used car.

Fees for Car Ownership Transfer

Cara Mengurus Balik Nama Mobil 3 1000x569

The cost required to change the ownership of a car varies greatly as it depends on the type of car and brand. However, there are standard fees that usually apply in every Samsat that can be used as a benchmark.

To transfer the ownership of the car, it is necessary to go through the registration process and the cost is around Rp100,000. Usually the cost of transferring ownership of a motorized vehicle or BBN KB amounts to about 1% of the purchase price of the car. If the price of the car is in the range of 400 million rupiah then the cost that needs to be spent is around 4 million rupiah.

If you want to make a new STNK it usually costs around Rp200,000 and to make a TNKB it usually costs around Rp100,000. Meanwhile, the cost for processing a letter or document for mutation is around 250 million rupiah. However, it usually costs Rp375,000 to create a new BPKB.

Of note, the details of the costs described above are only standard costs. The cost of gasoline going to Samsat and Polda has not been calculated and there are also costs for photocopying and others.

Wuling family, that's an overview on how to take care of a car’s ownership transfer. As the process is fairly easy, you can take care of it yourself without having to involve brokers.

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