Wuling Holds a Handover Ceremony for the First 100 Air ev Consumers

10 September, 2022
3 minutes read

Image Wuling Holds a Handover Ceremony for the First 100 Air ev Consumers

This is the start of the distribution of Wuling's newest electric vehicle to Indonesian consumers


Jakarta, 10 September 2022 – Still in the nuances of the celebration of World EV Day on last Friday, today Wuling Motors (Wuling) held a handover ceremony for the Air EV unit to the first 100 consumers in Jakarta. Located at Senayan Park, this exclusive event also marks the start of the distribution of electric vehicles into the hands of consumers after previously opening orders to coincide with Wuling's fifth anniversary in Indonesia last July.

Jajaran manajemen Wuling Motors melakukan penyerahan unit secara simbolis kepada perwakilan konsumen Wuling Air ev 1000x667

Handover Ceremony Wuling Air ev kepada 100 pelanggan menandai dimulainya distribusi unit mobil ramah lingkungan ini kepada konsumen 1000x667

“We are grateful for the warm welcome and high demand from the public for Wuling Air ev. We are also proud to be able to hand over Wuling's first electric car in Indonesia exclusively to the first 100 customers. Through this ceremony, we are committed to starting to meet the mobility needs of consumers in the country with this environmentally friendly vehicle. We hope that Air ev can become a daily driving partner who also helps make Indonesia greener, in line with the spirit of 'Drive For A Green Life'," explained Dian Asmahani, Brand & Marketing Director Wuling Motors.

Perwakilan Wuling Motors dan 100 pelanggan Air ev berfoto bersama setelah serah terima simbolis 100 unit kendaraan listrik pertama dari Wuling untuk Indonesia 1000x667

Today's event began with the Wuling Air ev convoy from Parkir Selatan Senayan to Senayan Park which was divided into several group. Then followed by a handover ceremony symbolically to the representatives of consumers. Then, continued with lunch together at Dome Spark Senayan.

Acara serah terima unit Air ev kepada 100 pelanggan pertama dimulai dengan konvoi dari Parkir Selatan Senayan menuju Senayan Park yang dibagi ke dalam beberapa gelombang 1000x667

The various advantages that Air ev has are certainly the unique selling points in the electric car industry. Users can easily charge Wuling's newest electric vehicle at home. Wuling also embeds smart features in this environmentally friendly car, such as Internet of Vehicle (IoV) and the only and Wuling Indonesian Command (WIND). This is expected to be a solution to face the challenges of urban mobility, in accordance with Air ev's philosophy.

Air ev mengusung berbagai kemudahan dari sisi penggunaan sehari hari kepemilikan dan pengisian daya yang cocok untuk mobilitas perkotaan 1000x667

Customers will be worry-less to have Air ev as Wuling provides various guarantees. First, general vehicle warranty of 3 years or 100,000 kilometers. Then, Wuling also provides a warranty for Power Battery System Assembly up to 8 years or 120,000 kilometers and also a warranty on Main Electrical Components for up to 5 years or 100,000 kilometers with applicable terms and conditions.

Selain ramah lingkungan Wuling Air ev juga turut dibekali dengan inovasi pintar dari Wuling seperti Internet of Vehicle IoV dan Wuling Indonesian Command WIND 1000x679

To make it easier for customers, Wuling also includes a bundling package in every purchase of Air ev. The package consists of a portable charger, adapter, power socket box, also free additional power costs including installation and output cable. Terms and condition applies.

Wuling mewujudkan mobilitas ramah lingkungan untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik melalui kendaraan listriknya yakni Air ev Drive For A Green Life 1000x667

"Hopefully this activity will be memorable for the first consumers of Air ev owners who have put their trust in the first Wuling electric car in Indonesia. Let's realize eco-friendly mobility for a better life with Air ev, Drive For A Green Life." added Dian Asmahani.

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