Beware of Water Hammer! Understanding It and how to overcome it
The term water hammer is often heard when a problem occurs with a car engine caused by water. Usually this condition occurs during the rainy season or can occur when washing the car is not done properly.
During the rainy season, some cars sometimes dare to drive through puddles or floods, so it is not uncommon for their car engines to take in water. In conditions like this, it is not impossible that the car will experience a water hammer.
So that serious problems don't occur that result in the car being seriously damaged, it would be better to know what a water hammer is and how to deal with it. Let's look at the review of the water hammer below.
Understanding Water Hammer
Disturbances that occur in the engine combustion process are caused by water. This usually happens during the rainy season and when the car is submerged in floods. If you pass through waterlogged roads, puddles or even overflows of water will enter the car engine, creating quite a threatening condition for car drivers.
In addition, washing your car the wrong way can cause water to enter the engine and cause a water hammer. Even the water hammer itself can occur because water mixes with gasoline.
The Process of Water Hammer Occurrence
Some of the processes in which water hammer occurs can occur due to several processes as below:
- Water enters the combustion chamber and car lubrication system.
- Water entering the combustion chamber can increase pressure, increasing piston thrust.
- The piston can bend due to too much pressure or pushing on it.
- In situations like this, water can enter the engine from various gaps, one of which is the exhaust component.

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Impact of Water Hammer on Cars
Some of the impacts caused by water hammer turned out to be quite serious and caused the car to become damaged so that it would not start. If damage like this occurs, it will certainly cost a lot of money to repair.
The following are the impacts of water hammer:
Car Won't Start
A water hammer causes many car engine components to be damaged. Ultimately, the car will not start. This usually happens because the car's engine combustion system is no longer functioning properly.
Piston Damage
As previously mentioned in the process of making a making a water hammer, Because the pressure is generated by water and not air, the entry of water into car engine components can cause quite a large push or pressure that is opposite to the movement of the piston. As a result, the piston can bend or even break.
Leaks in Machines
Car engine leaks can occur due to water entering, especially in the engine connection area. This impact is not immediately visible because it usually occurs gradually. However, if it is not treated seriously immediately, it will cause greater engine damage in the future.
How to Overcome Car Water Hammer

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When a car experiences a water hammer, several engine components will be damaged and need to be replaced so that the car can run normally. There are three main components that need to be replaced when a car experiences a water hammer.
When a car experiences mild water hammer symptoms, one of the components that must be replaced is the piston handlebar. This needs to be replaced because compressed water can break the handlebar piston. Apart from piston handlebars, rubber linkage rods or piston handlebar pads made of road metal also need to be replaced.
Additionally, if severe water hammer symptoms appear and destroy the engine block, the engine block must be replaced. This is because the engine block can be destroyed because the engine continues to pass through water.
Car owners must prepare for quite large costs to replace engine components, and the replacement must be carried out at an authorized repair shop by an experienced technician to identify damage.
How to Prevent Water Hammer
There are several ways to prevent water hammer, you can follow these methods so that your favorite car doesn't suffer serious damage in the future.
Avoid Flooded Roads
Considering that the cause of water hammer is water, avoiding areas that are flooded with water more than 50 cm high is the best way to prevent water hammer. If you have to go through a flooded area, choose a fairly shallow road and avoid going too fast to prevent water from entering the engine.
Speed Control of the Car When Passing Through Puddles of Water
If you have to pass through a flooded area, don't forget to always control and regulate the speed of the car. To prevent water from entering the engine through the car exhaust, it is recommended to step on the gas steadily when driving through waterlogged areas.
Avoid Driving in Fast Streams
If you often pass through mountain passes or uphill areas, this advice will be useful. Rain and running water can enter the car exhaust, especially on uphill roads. Driving in fast currents is also very dangerous because it can cause accidents.
Avoid Starting the Car When It Is Submerged
If your car is submerged in floodwater, avoid starting the engine. This can cause damage to engine components and short out electrical parts.
Perform Regular Checks
Vehicles that have been submerged in floodwater are not always safe. To avoid damage to components that the car owner doesn't know about, check the condition of the engine and other components at a repair shop.
So, that's an explanation of a water hammer, which can cause serious damage to car engines. Make sure not to drive your car in flood conditions, and avoid high-standing water as much as possible to avoid water hammer. Always make sure the car is in prime condition so that it is comfortable and safe when driving on the road.