Recently, Indonesian people seem to be busy about the rules for changing vehicle number plates from black to white. Actually, the news about the change in the color of this car plate has started to appear since 2018, but only resurfaced in 2022.
The vehicle number plate or also known as the police number is one of the mandatory identities for every vehicle in Indonesia. All motorized vehicles used on the highway are required to put up a Motorized Vehicle Number Sign (TNKB) as the identity of the vehicle.
Previously we may recognize the vehicle number plate is red or black. Black car plates are usually used for government officials. While the black plate for the general public.
So what exactly is the white license plate on the car? Then applies to whom this type of white car plate? Here's the description.
What White Car Number Plate Are For

Baca Juga
White vehicle number plates with black numbers will be used for vehicles owned by individuals, representatives of foreign countries, legal entities and also international bodies.
The use of white number plates has been regulated in Police Regulation Number 7 of 2021 article 45 paragraph 1a which reads "TNKB for individual motorized vehicles, representatives of foreign countries, legal entities and international bodies use white number plates with black writing."
Reason for Change of License Plate Color
The policy to change the color of car number plates from black to white aims to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE). This plate color change is expected to increase the accuracy of e-ticketing camera readings.
The white design that will be used on the car plate is actually very simple. In terms of size, thickness, and materials are still the same as the old vehicle number plates. The only difference is that the basic color is white and the writing is black.
When Does This Rule Apply?

Baca Juga
The rules regarding changing the color of car license plates from black to white have started in mid-June 2022. White plates mean that they are in effect now so don't be surprised if you find some vehicles driving on the streets with white plates. According to the Head of the STNK Sub-Directorate for Registration and Identification of the National Police Korlantas, currently the white number plate material has been distributed to the Regional Police starting in early June 2022 yesterday.
Not all vehicle owners can use this white number plate. Its use is only reserved for certain vehicles. Until now, the black number plate is still valid and legal to use until its validity period expires.
Whom White Number Plates Are Applicable for?
After understanding the meaning of the white plate on the car, now is the time to find out who the number plate can be used for? The following vehicles are prioritized for obtaining white license plates.
1. New Vehicle
Every purchase of a new vehicle starting from June 2022 will automatically get a white number plate. So don't be confused if you buy a new car and then get a white car number plate, because this plate is official and legal to use.
2. Vehicles That Have Expired for Five Years
Vehicles that have expired five years in mid-2022 will get a white number plate as a replacement for the old number plate. You can get this white number plate when you renew your 5-year STNK.
You need to know that there is no change in fees even if the color of the license plate has been changed. With this white plate change, it is hoped that the public will be more orderly when driving on the streets because the ETLE system will work more optimally to identify traffic violators.