Having a new car is not a simple issue. Sometimes, there are certain considerations that must be taken into account before buying, especially if you have a family. Pricing is only one of the factors, while other factors such as toughness, useful features, parts supply, and many more must meet the differing conditions from one to another. Anyone can buy his favorite car as long as there is enough money, but we certainly want the car to last for the next few years with as minimum expense for maintenance costs during ownership.
Mr. Nasran is one of Wuling consumers who really fell in love with the Cikarang-made car, so much so that he named his son Confero. Many considerations that Mr. Nasran thought about before finally making Confero series as his final choice back in 2017. His job, which required him to travel back and forth between Bekasi and Bengkulu required him to use a tough car to bear with the road conditions that were not all smooth as in the capital city.
Also read: Safe Driving with Confero

Baca Juga
His bad experience of leaky tires on the toll road made him really admire the TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) feature which helped him check the condition of the wind pressure inside the tires any time. Disc brakes and ABS + EBD safety features installed on each wheel ensure his safety when driving. Wuling really hope that Mr. Nasran's great trust in Wuling can make a positive encouragement for us to produce other quality cars and Pak Nasran's family bond tightens, like the meaning of the word Confero itself.
Not much different from the little baby Confero’s family, the household of Mr. Bayu and Mrs. Maya are also happy with their Confero. At first, they were hesitant to buy it because they had yet to feet the value and quality. However, since their first driving test, this young family immediately fell in love and wanted to bring Confero S home s quickly as possible.
Also read: Feel The Comfortable and Spacious Wuling Confero S With Test Drive

Baca Juga
For Mr. Bayu and Mrs. Maya, who work in the convection business, having a car that not only works for travelling but can also be used for work reinforced their reasons to immediately propose Confero S. Their previous car could only carry approximately 18 rolls of fabric, now with the size of Confero S' trunk, they can carry as many as 36 rolls at once! So, business activities really become very efficient with the advantages of Confero S spacious baggage room.
It's not only a matter of features, but the guarantee that lasts for 5 years really make them believe in Wuling. How is it possible for a new car that was thought of by many people as questionable had become so convincing for them. Especially after joining the community of Wuling Confero lovers and starting to share with each other about the positive things that Confero contributed to their lives, now it is not only them.
Nasran’s family who are increasingly convinced that choosing Confero S as the first Wuling car was the right choice. Like Mrs. Maya's message, "go quickly to test a Wuling car at the dealer and convince yourself and don't ever regret for not having one." Thank you from us at Wuling for the trust Indonesian families, hopefully we can always give positive things and encourage the drive for a better life!