Daily routines usually make you forget a lot of things, one of which is periodic vehicle maintenance. At Wuling, we understand every obstacle and need needed by customers and keep trying to make it easy for you, both through the most complete features on the vehicle, to the best after-sales service. One of the latest innovations that we provide to customers is that they can more easily carry out maintenance, know all forms of information related to Wuling, to tips on vehicle maintenance.
Also read: The Benefits of Wuling's After-Sales Service

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My WULING+ application is a car application that has the function of connecting Wuling with users, as well as dealers on one platform. This application makes it easy for customers to ask online technicians, order test drives, booking services, and 24-hour road assistance.
Not only that, My WULING + application allows consumers to get various information about Wuling products, tips, financing simulations, weather, gasoline prices and the nearest dealer location.
In addition, My Wuling + also helps to connect users with other users through the User Community page and Fans Club. Not only that, this application also presents a variety of the latest news about Wuling both in terms of products, services, dealers to promotional programs.

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Also read: Wuling After-Sales Program Ensure Customer Convenience
My WULING + can also display Wuling activity video lines and users can collect points in loyalty programs that can be exchanged for attractive prizes in the points facility. In addition to users, you who do not have or still find out about Wuling cars can also use this application to get the information you need.
Download and enjoy the convenience of the My WULING + application on your smartphone. Available on Playstore & App Store. Together with Wuling, let's Drive For A Better Life.