What is Ron 92 in Car Fuel Oil? From Benefits to Characteristics
RON 92 is a type of fuel oil (BBM) that currently has quite a lot of users. Choosing the right type of fuel with good quality will certainly make engine combustion more perfect and cleaner.
Until now, in Indonesia, there have been quite a lot of types of fuel with different octane levels. As a motor vehicle user, of course, you have to choose correctly which fuel is suitable for your favorite vehicle.
The better the quality of the fuel chosen, the longer it will support the engine's durability and driving comfort, and the fuel consumption will even be more economical.
As felt by one of Wuling's loyal customers, Reffi Rapiuddin from Tangerang, who feels that his Wuling New Almaz RS Hybrid is relatively economical when using RON 90 fuel, However, when using RON 92 fuel, the fuel consumption of his Wuling car becomes more economical with the . faster engine.
You can see Reffi's complete experience in using the Almaz Hybrid in more detail by clicking here.
It has become more economical and pulls tighter, of course making it comfortable when accelerating. The following is a review of RON 92 BBM starting from its meaning, characteristics and benefits.
What is Ron 92 Fuel?

Baca Juga
RON 92 fuel oil is a type of fuel that has a minimum octane level of 92. RON is an abbreviation for Research Octane Number, which is a standard for measuring the stability of internal combustion engine fuel, especially gasoline engines.
The RON number indicates the fuel's ability to stop knocking in the engine during combustion, which can damage the engine and reduce efficiency.
Fuels with higher RON usually provide better performance and are more efficient in engines that require high-octane fuel. RON 92 is still used in several vehicles in various countries, especially in countries that have different emission standards and fuel specifications.
Fuel with an octane level of 92 is often used in modern vehicles with engines with a compression ratio of 10:1–11:1. Additionally, vehicles that use electronic fuel injection (EFI) technology often rely on 92-octane fuel.
92-octane fuel tends to be more expensive than 90- or 88-octane fuel. Like in Indonesia, RON 92 is often found at gas stations under the names Pertamax, Shell Super, BP 92, and Revvo.
Benefits of Using RON 92 Fuel

Baca Juga
Instead of using fuel with a lower octane, RON 92 fuel is certainly better and makes the pull faster. However, when compared with fuel with a higher RON, the price is of course more affordable.
There are several benefits to using RON 92 fuel:
Energy Efficiency
RON 92 fuel can increase energy efficiency, optimize engine performance and increase mileage.
Emission Reduction
Fuel with an octane rating of 92 supports environmental conservation efforts by reducing exhaust emissions when burned cleanly.
Compatibility with Old and New Machines
RON 92 fuel is suitable for various types of engines, from old to modern vehicles, providing flexibility to customers.
In Indonesia, this type of fuel with RON 92 is still relatively cheap. Quite a lot of people use this type of fuel, both cars and motorbikes.
Characteristics of RON 92
RON 92 fuel oil has characteristics that are certainly different from octane levels above or below it. The following are the characteristics of RON 92 fuel oil:
Octane Level
RON 92 fuel octane rating meets the internal combustion engine requirements of most traditional cars. 92 octane fuel allows the engine to run stably and efficiently without causing unwanted engine ticking or knocking.
Modern engines with advanced technology are usually compatible with 92 RON fuel. This ensures that vehicles using 92 octane fuel can take advantage of the latest features to increase fuel efficiency and performance.
RON 92 fuel is often cheaper than higher octane fuel on the fuel market. For car owners looking for a balance between price and quality, this is an attractive option.
Exhaust Gas Emmission
Its ability to produce relatively low exhaust emissions is an important characteristic of fuel with an octane rating of 92. This type of fuel improves air quality and minimizes environmental damage by burning cleanly.
After reading the explanation above, hopefully you will better understand what RON 92 fuel is. Knowing its characteristics and benefits, it is, of course, better to use fuel with a higher octane level than a lower one. Moreover, the price itself is still quite affordable, and with a lower octane level, there is not much difference if you choose RON 92 fuel.