Don’t Panic! This is the Solution if You Run Out of Gasoline on a Toll Road
Running out of petrol on a toll road can happen to anyone. Sometimes when traveling long distances, there are times when the driver is less focused so he doesn't pay attention to the indicator that the fuel has run out.
Forgetting to fill up with petrol at a gas station in the middle of a toll road or rest area can be quite a serious problem. Because a vehicle that runs out of petrol certainly cannot run. So vehicle owners have to look for petrol in an emergency.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to fill up with petrol as needed and periodically when traveling on toll roads. Especially when stopping at a rest area, it would be better to fill up with petrol. It's better to be full of petrol than to be short when there are no gas stations nearby.
The distance between gas stations on this toll road is quite far, usually gas stations are placed near the entrance or exit toll roads and are in rest areas. As a toll road user, you need to be aware of checking the petrol indicator before entering the toll gate. So motorists can consider refilling petrol when there is a gas station.
If you run out of petrol in the middle of the toll road, it will certainly be quite a headache. But don't panic, because there is a solution to overcome this problem.
Solution to Running Out of Gasoline on the Toll Road
Running out of gasoline on the toll road will certainly give drivers a headache. Moreover, the gas station is still quite far away. If you push a car, it will certainly require a lot of energy.
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To overcome this problem, of course, there is a solution in the method below:
1. Take the Car to the Side of the Road
Feeling panicked when the car runs out of gas on the toll road will only make a driver emotional. If the car signals that it is running out of gasoline with a loud car sound, you can immediately turn on the hazard lights.
This action must be taken immediately to give a signal to toll road users behind you. So that the car behind you is alert and avoids a collision.
When the car is still running and the hazard lights have been turned on, immediately press the clutch pedal and shift the transmission gear to neutral. Then direct your car to the shoulder of the toll road.
Make sure the road conditions are safe to open the car door and get out to install the emergency triangle. After the car has pulled over and has placed an emergency triangle, you can contact the toll service to get help from the officer.
2. Contact Toll Services
On toll roads, services from Jasa Marga or services from the toll road itself have officers who carry out routine patrols. This patrol is carried out to monitor toll roads if there is damage, either on the toll road or to serve toll road users who are in trouble.
You can also contact this toll road service via the numbers 14080 and 0813-8006-8000 to help solve problems that occur on the toll road. It's not just about running out of petrol; it can help in towing a car that has broken down or other problems.
Important Toll Service Information
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If you experience car problems on the toll road, road users can contact the service numbers below. These important numbers can help you if there is a problem on the toll road, not just when you run out of gas.
The following are important service numbers when problems occur on the toll road:
- Emergency Call Center Service: 112
- Toll Road Information Center: 0813-8006-8000
- Police Services: 110
- Fire service (Damkar): 113
- SAR and Basarnas services: 115
- Ambulance service: 118 or 119
- National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB): 117
- Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub): 151
- RI Ministry of Health Crisis Center: 0812-1212-319
- BPJS Health: 1-500-400
How to Avoid Running Out of Gas on the Highway
Every time you use a vehicle, you must pay attention to the fuel indicator. Motorized vehicles cannot run without gasoline. Therefore, don't let your car run out of gas in the middle of the trip.
Here's how to avoid running out of gas on the toll road:
Fill Up with Gasoline Before Entering the Toll Booth
Before entering the toll booth, it would be better to check the fuel indicator on the car. If the indicator shows that the gasoline is about to run out, it is better to immediately fill up at the nearest gas station.
Usually, before entering the toll gate, there are gas stations nearby. Fill up with gasoline as needed or fill it up completely so you don't run out in the middle of the road.
Fill Gasoline Regularly
If you travel long distances, such as Jakarta-Bali, you will certainly need quite a lot of gasoline. In the middle of the journey, it is better to always fill up on gasoline regularly while at the rest area. Apart from resting, you can replenish supplies ranging from food and drinks to gasoline for the next trip.
It's Better to Have a Full tank of Petrol Than to Run Out
Don't hesitate to fill up with gas. Because if the tank is full, it certainly won't be a thought when going on a long trip. It's better to have a full tank of gas than to run out when there are no gas stations around you.
Make Sure the Car Fuel Indicator is Not Damaged
Apart from filling up with petrol before entering the toll booth and filling up regularly, There is one important part of a car that must function properly. This important part is the gasoline indicator.
If the fuel indicator is damaged, it will certainly provide the wrong information. So when the indicator shows that the gasoline is still full but, in fact, it is almost empty, it will actually cause problems on your trip.
That's an explanation of the solution if you run out of gas on the toll road. Make sure to pay attention to the car indicators when traveling long distances on the toll road. Apart from that, make sure to use gasoline as recommended so that unwanted problems don't occur during your trip.