The Price Range for Charging Electric Cars in Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU)
Electric cars are becoming the choice of Indonesian people who care about the environment and think far ahead. However, the main obstacle for electric car owners is the lack of places to charge their car batteries. Therefore, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) built Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (‘Stasiun Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum’ or ‘SPKLU’) in various big cities in Indonesia.
Along with the increasing demand for electric cars, SPKLU is becoming increasingly important as a facility that makes it easier for electric car owners to charge their vehicle's battery. However, many are still wondering about the SPKLU price range for electric cars and their location.
This article will discuss in depth the meaning of SPKLU, prices, and locations. Read more below!
What is SPKLU and itsFunction for Electric Cars?
SPKLU is where electric car owners can charge their car batteries, the latest innovation to increase the use of electric vehicles in Indonesia. The SPKLU functions for electric cars are:
- Facilitate the use of electric cars because they can charge their batteries in places provided by the government.
- Save the environment: Electric cars do not emit exhaust gases, thereby helping to save the environment and contributing to the Indonesian government's climate change mitigation efforts.
- Save costs: The cost of recharging the battery at SPKLU is much cheaper than the cost of fuel for fuel-engined vehicles.

Baca Juga
Currently, three types of SPKLU are available in Indonesia:
- Slow charging: battery charging time takes longer than medium and fast charging.
- Medium charging: battery charging time is faster than slow charging, but longer than fast charging.
- Fast charging: the fastest battery charging time compared to other types of SPKLU.
Not only that, there is also electric car battery charging that can be done at SPKLU. This aims to help electric car owners charge the car battery without worrying about the car battery dying.
SPKLU Prices for Electric Vehicles
SPKLU prices for electric cars vary depending on the service provider and the type of charging (regular or fast). Launching the Lifepal page, according to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), SPKLU prices for electric cars range from IDR 1,650 per kWh to IDR 2,475 per kWh.
As an illustration, if you choose to charge an electric car Rp. 2,475 per kWh and you charge an electric car that has an 18 kWh battery capacity, such as the Wuling Air EV Standard Range type, it is Rp. 2,475 x 18 = Rp. 44,550 with a distance of around 200 km. As a vehicle of "mobil perang", the compact Air ev is suitable for your daily activities because it moves swiftly on the road and makes it easy to park in tight spaces.

Baca Juga
The price for charging batteries at SPKLU is also usually differentiated based on the type of charging available, namely slow, medium, fast, and ultra-fast charging. The SPKLU price is higher than household electricity rates because it offers fast charging facilities to save the user time.
Differences in Price and Duration of SPKLU PLN vs. Houses
The difference between PLN's SPKLU and your house lies in the price and charging speed. The price for charging electric cars at PLN's SPKLU is around IDR 1,650 - IDR 2,475 per kWh, while the home electricity tariff for non-subsidized 900 VA customers is around IDR 1,352 per kWh.
However, the advantage of using PLN's SPKLU is the fast charging facility which can charge electric car batteries quickly in just 30 minutes. Meanwhile, charging at home may take longer, depending on the battery capacity and available electric power.
Location of SPKLU for Charging Electric Cars
For electric car users, knowing the location of the SPKLU is very important to ensure that the car battery is always fully charged. The location is usually in a strategic place. Here are some SPKLU areas for charging electric cars:
SPKLU at the Pertamina Fuel Filling Station
Since 2021, Pertamina has built SPKLUs at several oil refueling stations (SPBU). Currently, 135 SPKLUs in 28 provinces in Indonesia can be used by electric car owners. Pertamina's SPKLU location can be seen through the MyPertamina application.
SPKLU on Toll Roads
SPKLU was also built in the toll road area. Currently, there are several SPKLUs on the Jakarta-Cikampek and Surabaya-Mojokerto toll roads. SPKLU locations on toll roads can be seen through the online toll application available on each toll road.
SPKLU in Shopping Centers and Hotels
Several shopping centers and hotels have also built SPKLUs to support the use of electric cars. SPKLU locations in shopping centers and hotels can be seen through SPKLU search applications such as PlugShare or CarCharging.
SPKLU locations for charging electric cars continue to grow in line with Indonesia’s increasing number of electric vehicles. This makes it easier for electric car owners, Wuling Air ev, especially in big cities. You can check the nearest SPKLU location using the PLN Mobile application or the website. Some examples of SPKLU locations in Jabodetabek and Bandung are:
- East Parking Area of Gedung Sate, Bandung City
- PLN Head Office Jalan Trunojoyo No. 135 Blok M, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta
- Pertamina Head Office Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No. 1A Central Jakarta
- Plaza Indonesia Jalan M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30 Central Jakarta
- Kelapa Gading Mall Jalan Boulevard Raya Blok M Kelapa Gading North Jakarta
For electric car owners, SPKLU is very helpful in charging their vehicle's battery, especially in big cities with high traffic jams. One example of an electric car owner who really takes advantage of SPKLU is the Air ev car which is supported by the easy charging feature. With more and more SPKLUs available in Indonesia, it is hoped that more electric car owners will switch to these environmentally friendly cars.